~ / Waldjinah - Elinga Bebaja Marga

August 12, 2024

My favourite Waldjinah song is kind of a government PSA propaganda piece.
The title translates to "Be Mindful of the Dangers of the Road".

Written by Ismanto (31st January 1929 – 1 May 1996), who was a keroncong and langgam composer from Surakarta.
He collaborated with Waldjinah many times.

Elinga Bebaja Marga off the EP Ngelam Lami, perfomed by Orkes Bintang

Malem Minggu Kutha Solo pancen rame
Saturday Night Solo is undoubtedly busy

Abang, biru s'peda motor sak wernane
Red, blue colourful motor bikes abound

Pating sliwer koyo podo rebut banter
Chaos, its a total scramble

Ora bener, tanpa tandha waton minger
It's not right, taking turns without indicating

Jo sembrono, gatekno tandha ing marga
Don't be reckless, pay attention to road rules

Do elingo bebaya kang nggondhol nyawa
Be mindful, an incident can claim lives

Para muda keh-akehe tanpo duga
Most of them youth without a clue

Dupeh biso ora eling mring beboyo
Because they can, they care not for the dangers

Tumrap para pengemudi opo wae
For all drivers, whatever it is

Do nindakno lalu lintas praturane
Obey the traffic regulations

Gambar cumplung njaban kutha wigatekna
The road signs are important in the city and beyond

Ojo mbambung mlebu kutha den alon no
Don't speed, when entering the city go slowly

Praturane lalu lintas sak temene
The traffic regulations as they are

Mamrihake keslametan sopo wae
is to ensure the safety of everyone

Men ndadekne yen to podo nindakake
If everyone follows and applies it

Negarane tata arja lan tentreme
The nation will be orderly and harmonious

Praturane lalu lintas sak temene
The traffic regulations as they are

Mamrihake keslametan sopo wae
is to ensure the safety of everyone

Men ndadekne yen to podo nindakake
If everyone follows and applies it

Negarane tata arja lan tentreme
The nation will be orderly and harmonious