~ / Markdown Link Fixes & Code Formatting

August 12, 2024

In my post about this blog I mentioned markdown links, well I actually have encountered my first set of problems. I want to be able to share code here for future reference. And linking is still missing some features.

Here is my python code for processing links before any fixes:

def process_links(content):
    # Handle image links and convert them to <img> tags
    content = re.sub(
        r'<img src="\2" alt="\1">',

    # Handle plain text image links without a protocol and check /static/images/
    content = re.sub(
        lambda m: f'<img src="/static/images/{m.group(2)}" alt="{m.group(1)}">' if not re.match(r'http[s]?://', m.group(2)) else m.group(0),

    # Handle links with protocols and ensure they open in a new tab
    content = re.sub(
        r'<a href="\2" target="_blank">\1</a>',

    # Handle links without protocols and convert them to absolute URLs
    content = re.sub(
        lambda m: f'<a href="http://{m.group(2)}" target="_blank">{m.group(1)}</a>' if not re.match(r'http[s]?://', m.group(2)) else m.group(0),

    # Handle links without protocols and convert them to /post/link format
    content = re.sub(
        lambda m: f'<a href="/post/{m.group(2)}">{m.group(1)}</a>' if not re.match(r'http[s]?://', m.group(2)) else m.group(0),

    # Handle plain text links (e.g., [link] with no URL specified)
    content = re.sub(
        r'<a href="/post/\1">\1</a>',

    return content
I want to add one more link handling feature.
I have escaped the following lines to better demonstrate.
When its just [gr] it works fine linking to /post/gr/

but i also want the following to work:
[ricoh gr](gr)
When an extra () bracket is added and no url is specified convert this to link the specified blog post as /post/(\<link>)

Markdown Code For Links (Rendered as Code Snippet):

[ricoh gr](gr)
[ricoh gr](https://www.ricoh-imaging.co.jp/english/products/gr-3/index.html)



ricoh gr

ricoh gr

Python Code to Fix:

# Pattern to handle [text](relative_path) format
    content = re.sub(
        lambda m: f'<a href="/post/{m.group(2)}">{m.group(1)}</a>' if not re.match(r'http[s]?://', m.group(2)) else m.group(0),

Code Formatting

The way code blocks are specified is using three of the following symbols ` as block indicators.

Code Block

The current code to handle code highlighting.

def customize_css(css_content):
    # Define color replacements
    replacements = {
        '#ff0000': '#e57373',  # Softer red
        '#00ff00': '#81c784',  # Softer green
        '#0000ff': '#64b5f6',  # Softer blue
        '#000000': '#333333',  # Softer dark grey
        # Add more replacements as needed

    # Replace colors in CSS content
    for old_color, new_color in replacements.items():
        css_content = css_content.replace(old_color, new_color)

    return css_content

def append_css_styles(file_path):
    formatter = HtmlFormatter()
    new_css = formatter.get_style_defs()
    customized_css = customize_css(new_css)

    if os.path.exists(file_path):
        with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
            existing_css = f.read()
        combined_css = existing_css + '\n' + customized_css
        combined_css = customized_css

    # Debug: Print combined CSS
    print("Combined CSS:\n", combined_css)

    with open(file_path, 'w') as f:

def highlight_code(code, lang):
        lexer = get_lexer_by_name(lang, stripall=True) if lang else get_lexer_by_name("text", stripall=True)
        formatter = HtmlFormatter()
        return highlight(code, lexer, formatter)
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error highlighting code: {e}")
        return f'<pre><code>{html.escape(code)}</code></pre>'